Month: August 2016


So, I have now phased in the final pill in my herbal HRT regimen. So far no negative side effects (other than something a lot like PMS, as mentioned before, which i guess is a sign of success, lol).

I’m taking a combination of Black Cohosh, Fenugreek, Vitex (aka Chasteberry), Pueraria Mirifica and Maca root. Right now I’m taking the “standard” dose of all and plan to start doubling one at a time in a few months. People who hadn’t seen me in awhile claim to notice changes in my face, my skin is definitely softer, and body/facial hair regrowth is definitely slowed and thinner.

I’m happy with it. Very.

Trans PMS?

I’m grumpy, irritable, and just in an all around bad mood.

My partner pointed out that almost exactly 28 days ago I was also grumpy, irritable, and in an all around bad mood. She thinks it’s “cute”.